Founded in 1947, Delevan is a US company engaged in the production of power inductors, coils, EMI/RFI suppressors and RF transformers of both surface-mount and traditional technology. Their products are designed to satisfy the highest quality standards, such as those stipulated by MIL-PRF-39010 norms.

Power Inductors and Transformers, PTH and SMT technologies
Inductors and Transformers linear and toroidal versions
Chip inductors also MIL-PRF-83446 qualified
Fixed inductors for RF application MIL-C-15305/C
SMT & PTH STD and Shielded Inductors also MIL-C-15305/C qualified
RF Transformers

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Pursuant to and for the purposes of Articles 7, 13 e 15 of the Reg. UE 2016/679