Magnetics & Transformers
Encapsulated 50-60Hz Transformers
Power, Common mode, Dimmer chokes
Flyback and Current Transformers
Power Inductors and Transformers, PTH and SMT technologies
Signal Transformers and for ISDN, 10 BASE-T,100 BASE-T, Ethernet line interfaces for telecom application, PTH and SMT technologies
Custom magnetic components
Amperometric Transformers TA
Inductors and Transformers linear and toroidal versions
Switching Transformers for SMPS
Toroidal Transformers for safety and insulation power supply
PTH and SMD Transformers and Inductors
SMD Inductors for RF application Inductors
Chip inductors also MIL-PRF-83446 qualified
Fixed inductors for RF application MIL-C-15305/C
SMT & PTH STD and Shielded Inductors also MIL-C-15305/C qualified
Wireless charger Inductors